lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

Greek grapes

Greek grapes

Frutas y vegetales

Frutas y vegetales

Las frutas

Las frutas

El mundo de los insectos

El mundo de los insectos

Animales de la selva tropical

Animales de la selva tropical

El gorila con bananas en sus orejas | LearnEnglish Kids | British Council

El gorila con bananas en sus orejas | LearnEnglish Kids | British Council

Animal countdown

Animal countdown
Here we are!!!
This is food vocabulary for you to repass what we are learning in our classes!!!
Hello students from 3rd grade!Look at these flashcards!
Hi children! Remember the months of the year song that we are learning in our classes!!!
Hello kids!This is a very funny video for learning the days of the week.